Wednesday, November 4, 2009


As some of you may know, I hurt my back. In fact, I hurt it so bad that I have been missing in action for about four weeks now. The first two weeks spent in my bed sleeping and crying, and the second two weeks going to the doctors and trying to get my body to move. Sickness is something I would trade for anything even as boring as work, I miss work!

Being unable to control how soon I recover, how severe the pain will be, and weather I will be able to even get out of bed has been the worst experience of this whole thing. My being sick has made me feel like a rag doll.

I am including my sketch of an abandoned puppet, an old broken down toy left unused in a state that I currently feel.

Tomorrow I am getting my epidural shot, wish me luck…


  1. I know everything is going to get better and you are going to get better. And the good news about your sketch is the strings will get picked up again and you will be full of life again. Finally when you are strong again, I will personally cut your strings and you will be free of them.
